
Overkill 3 skip totorial
Overkill 3 skip totorial

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This example of the difference from the bright light in the sky, to the dark shadows along the ground is called dynamic range. Our eyes also have to process all the information in those darker areas as well. But when the sun is high in the sky, it also has a tendency to cast deep, dark shadows along the ground. When we’re looking over a landscape (assuming the sun is still out), our eyes need to be able to process all the information from that giant, bright light source. The sun is just about the biggest light source we have. What do we mean by light information? Think back to that beautiful landscape. Scenes that contain a lot of color and detail, and scenes that contain a wide range of light information. Our eyes are very good at absorbing scenes like that.

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You might remember seeing vivid colors, a bright sky, rocky cliffs, trees, and maybe some water.

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Think back to a moment where you looked out over a beautiful landscape. When learning about HDR, it’s helpful to think about how your eyes see the world versus how your camera sees the world.

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