And then Aži Dahāka, Aži Dahāka II, Ddraig II, and Albion II, who were all creations of the Evil God, Angra Mainyu. There have been those who were created by powerful beings, such as Midgardsormr and his clones, who were created by the Evil God, Loki. All Dragons have pride in themselves, declaring their titles as a formal greeting or in response to accepting a challenge to a duel between Dragons or heroes. Crom Cruach stated that Dragons are meant to live according to their will. Azazel even theorized that the reason that Dragons are so powerful is because their pure thoughts compel them to devote themselves towards their goals, for the Evil Dragons, it would be battle and carnage, even if it meant their bodies would be annihilated too. ĭragons are said to be creatures born from a large mass of power, who acts based on their desires, acting freely and selfishly, while having a high amount of intelligence. In certain cultures and different parts of the world, Dragons are worshiped as Gods.

However, in the end, some Dragons did end up joining the Three Factions, among the Underworld, consisting of Devils and Fallen Angels. Among the supernatural, Dragons, as an entire race, didn't side with no one from the Three Factions during the Great War, different from Fairies, Spirits, European Monsters, Asian Monsters, and Humans. Dragons are powerful supernatural beings, considered the strongest aside from the Gods themselves, admired, respected, and feared no matter the era.